The traceability to SI units is achieved through the realization of the Fixed Points of ITS-90 and appropriate resistance standards.
International System Base Unit of Temperature (T)
kelvin (K) defined as:
the SI unit of thermodynamic temperature. It is defined by taking the fixed numerical value of the Boltzmann constant k to be 1,380 649 x 10-23 when expressed in the unit J K-1, which is equal to kg m2 s–2 K-1, where the kilogram, metre and second are defined in terms of h, c and ΔvCs.
Derived unit of the International System of the temperature quantity (t):
degree Celsius (ºC) defined by the equation:
t = T – T0 , where T0 = 273,15 K is the ice point. The unit of Celsius temperature unity is by definition equal in magnitude to the kelvin.
The unit of Relative Humidity quantity (UW) with respect to water:
Symbol (%) defined as follows:
The ratio of the actual vapour pressure (e) to the saturation vapour pressure (eW) over a plane liquid water surface at the same temperature t (ºC), expressed as percentage. This is commonly understood when the term “X percent relative humidity” is used.

External documents:
[1] BUREAU INTERNATIONAL DES POIDS ET MESURES – Supplementary Information for the International Temperature Scale of 1990 1.ª ed. Pavillon de Breteuil; Sèvres: BIPM, 1990. ISBN 92-822-2111-3.(1º)
[2] BUREAU INTERNATIONAL DES POIDS ET MESURES – Techniques for Approximating the International Temperature Scale of 1990 1.ª ed. Pavillon de Breteuil; Sèvres: BIPM, 1990. ISBN 92-822-2110-5.(2º)
[5] QUINN, T. – Temperature. Londres: Academic Press, 1983. (Monographs in Physical Measurement). ISBN 0-12-569680-9.
[4] H. Preston-Thomas – The International Temperature Scale of 1990 (ITS-90), Metrologia, 27, 3-10. Pavillon de Breteuil; Sèvres. (1990).
[5] Módulos dos guias BIPM para a EIT90:
Guide to the Realization of the ITS-90, Introduction, CCT, BIPM, 2018;
Guide to the Realization of the ITS-90, Platinium Resistance Thermometry, CCT, BIPM, 2018;
Guide to the Realization of the ITS-90, Triple Point of Water, CCT, BIPM, 2018;
Guide to the Realization of the ITS-90, Fixed Points: Influence of Impurities, CCT, BIPM, 2018.