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INOVA Quality Hub
Incubator, Team, Mentors, Partners

We are an INCUBATOR with a mission to foster the creation of new businesses based on innovative ideas or concepts, contributing to their differentiation, growth, and competitiveness, and establishing ourselves through the promotion of a Quality culture.

We provide business support, focusing on projects/businesses that prioritize QUALITY, DIGITALIZATION and SUSTAINABILITY in their processes and/or operate in key sectors such as HEALTH, ENERGY and the ENVIRONMENT.

We have a resident, multidisciplinary, knowledgeable, and specialized TEAM responsible for mentoring and providing tailored support to projects, as well as implementing incubation plans.

Our support includes management mentoring, marketing, legal advice, support for digitalization, intellectual property protection, and assistance with applications for entrepreneurship and innovation competitions, among others. Get to know us!

We offer a NETWORK OF MENTORS with recognized expertise in various business areas, strengthened by specialists in Quality, particularly in the fields of Standardization and Metrology.

This is the key to our differentiation—and to that of anyone aiming to create it—ensuring the success of their Incubation programme and business from its very inception. Discover more!

We have several strategic PARTNERSHIPS that are essential at any stage of a business. The know-how of those who have already walked the entrepreneurial path, the complementarity of products, services, or processes, access to funding, the right investment at the right time, or the opportunity to enter markets you may never have considered—these are just some of the advantages of working within a network.
Join us and create synergies with the partners that matter most to you, through one-to-one sessions or any networking events included in the Activity Plan! Learn more.