Normative Document Details

Imagem destaque da Norma

Reference: CEN/TR 16710-1:2015


Year: 2015

Normative document status: Em Vigor

Technical committee: CEN/TC 122 - ERGONOMICS

Edition number: 0

Edition date:

Official publish date:

Anullment date:

ICS: 13.110 - Segurança de máquinas
13.180 - Ergonomia


Valores apresentados S/IVA

Norm in PortugueseComprar Portuguese

Norm in EnglishComprar English

Ergonomics methods - Part 1: Feedback method - A method to understand how end users perform their work with machines

Norm in FrenchComprar French

Norm in GermanComprar German

Verfahren der Ergonomie - Teil 1: Feedbackmethode - Eine Methode zum Verständnis wie Endnutzer ihre Arbeit mit Maschinen durchführen