Normative Document Details

Imagem destaque da Norma

Reference: EN 1005-2:2003+A1:2008


Year: 2008

Normative document status: Em Vigor

Technical committee: CEN/TC 122 - ERGONOMICS

Edition number: 0

Edition date: 01/10/2009

Official publish date: 05/12/2024

Anullment date:



Valores apresentados S/IVA

Norm in PortugueseComprar Portuguese

Norm in EnglishComprar English

Safety of machinery - Human physical performance - Part 2: Manual handling of machinery and component parts of machinery

Norm in FrenchComprar French

Sécurité des machines - Performance physique humaine - Partie 2: Manutention manuelle de machines et d`éléments de machines

Norm in GermanComprar German

Sicherheit von Maschinen - Menschliche körperliche Leistung - Teil 2: Manuelle Handhabung von Gegenständen in Verbindung mit Maschinen und Maschinenteilen